Nancy Erlick

Nancy Erlick is a native of Boston, but grew up in Florida and California with fruit trees and a vegetable garden in her back yard. She studied at UCLA and Hunter College in New York. Since her early days working in children’s television, Nancy Erlick has cherished an intense interest in the health and well-being of children.

As a member of the Board of Directors of the Skin Cancer Foundation, Nancy was instrumental in launching the first public awareness campaign with the American Academy of Pediatrics in the early 1980’s. The initiative focused national attention on the concept of preventative sun screen lotion especially designed and compounded for children.

We loved the launch of the concept and were proud you chose our venue to showcase “Once Upon a Farm.” Since early 1995 Nancy has been concerned about the increase in childhood obesity. Nancy has turned her concern, considerable imagination and energy to focus on the increasingly disturbing trends towards lack of physical exercise and childhood obesity in today’s environment of “fast food” and “couch potatoes”.

As a wife, mother and grandmother Nancy follows a vigorous daily exercise routine and loves to convince young mothers, including her own daughter, to switch their kids’ snacks from junk food to fresh fruit slices and veggie sticks.

She believes “Early Associations Create Lifetime Habits”.